Protect Yourself and the Ones You Love this Saint Backup Day
By John DeWolfIt’s almost here… Saint Backup Day is just one week away and it’s our job to make sure you’re prepared. Have you or has someone you know experienced data loss? Have you seen the havoc it can wreck on employees and businesses? Now is the time to stand up and take back control of your SaaS data.
Data loss is serious. One out of every three businesses has reported data loss in Google Apps, Salesforce and other SaaS applications.
Data loss is consistently listed as a top cloud security threat by organizations like the Cloud Security Alliance
60% of businesses that suffer serious data loss are out of business in 6 months
4 out of the top 10 causes of data loss can happen to your SaaS data, which the application doesn’t protect you against.
We repeatedly hear the stories – someone accidentally deletes their presentation an hour before they’re scheduled to deliver it, an account was hacked and critical information went missing, an employee thought they were going to be let go so they deleted all of their files. Unfortunately, data loss is a real. The good news is that we have a way to prevent it.