5 Ways Construction Companies Can Benefit from Backupify This Year
By Elizabeth FichtnerWhile slow to jump on the digital revolution, more construction companies are recognizing the many benefits of adopting cloud services and SaaS systems in day-to-day operations.
Not only do cloud services and SaaS platforms allow businesses to improve communication and collaboration among stakeholders, they can also improve data storage, and increase scalability and profits.
But along with greater reliance on cloud technology and team-based programs like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace, comes a greater need for securing that data in the cloud.
While it’s time for construction companies to take advantage of working in the cloud, it’s also time to arm themselves with the right tools when it comes to protecting against data loss.
The best way to ensure your data is properly protected in the face of any kind of threat, is with seamless data backup. Having an automated SaaS backup system in place, like Backupify, can make a big difference in preventing data loss, and saving your company thousands should a data breach occur.
Here are five ways Backupify can benefit construction companies when it comes to overall data protection.
1. Hackers and Ransomware
A 2021 report that came out of the Associated General Contractors’ of America conference on risk management found that “The construction industry is one of the leading industries impacted by data security incidents.”
The same report noted that hackers are well aware that the construction industry is lagging behind other industries when it comes to data security and privacy initiatives. Due to the lack of regulation and guidance in the industry as a whole, there has historically been less of a focus on cyber security.
Of all companies that faced a cyber attack in 2021, one in six said the attack almost put them under as a company.
In addition to the threat of your data being breached and leaked, your data could be encrypted and inaccessible to you unless you pay a ransom. Backupify maintains robust security standards ensuring all of your data remains secure and backed up on its private cloud.
2. Software and Power Outages
While SaaS platforms like Microsoft 365 and Google Workspaces offer some protection against power and software outages (they’re more common than you think), they operate under a shared responsibility model when it comes to data protection. They may offer some level of protection against the following:
- Service interruptions due to hardware or software failure
- Loss of service due to natural disaster or power outage
Ultimately, data protection, data-level security and long-term retention are the responsibility of the end user. That’s why it’s best practice to have a backup system in place to ensure 100% protection from data loss or deletion.
3. Human Error
No one is perfect, especially when it comes to safeguarding data. In fact, researchers from Stanford University and a top cybersecurity organization found that roughly 88% of all data breaches are caused by human error.
If someone on your team accidentally deletes important information on a project because they were distracted in the field, the costs could be huge to your company. And, unfortunately, there may be no way to get the data back unless you have a backup system in place.
A third-party backup solution ensures your data isn’t gone forever, since companies like Backupify often run recurring backups, which offer fast data recovery.
4. Leverage New Platforms and Infrastructure
Staying competitive in an ever-changing market, means remaining agile with new applications and tools that allow you to do business smarter, faster and safer.
Whether you’re looking for better tools to communicate and collaborate with stakeholders or you’re looking for automation to help manage staffing or equipment, a third-party backup solution can ensure your data is protected and allows you to quickly move data around to adjust workloads and improve operations with minimal impact on your existing workflow.
5. Complete Data Protection
Construction companies generate and rely on a wealth of information, such as blueprints, project specs, order details, budgets, timelines, and client information. Losing any of that data could not only damage your reputation, and stop a project in its tracks, it could also cost your company thousands.
With so much information being shared on the cloud and via mobile sharepoints, it’s better to have peace of mind with comprehensive data protection. That means, in addition to protecting your sensitive project files and folders in your SaaS application, your collaboration tools, calendars and contacts in Microsoft 365 and Google Workspace are secure.
Shore Up Your Data Security with Backupify
Construction companies already recognize the need for safety standards on the job site to ensure every project is a success.
With the growing reliance on the cloud and SaaS platforms, construction companies must also recognize the need for properly protecting the valuable data they are handling on a daily basis.
Turning to a backup vendor, like Backupify, for data security support ensures your information stays protected, confidential and backed up.